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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hooray for Texas, it’s… The Epitaph Weekly Newsletter!...

'The History channel is doing a show where they take a nation-wide phone poll on who is the greatest American, ever? Well, most states have the same three at the top: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King; but Texas – yeah, good old Texas – has George W. Bush first with Elvis running a close second! That pretty much answers all the questions I had about Texas… Congratulations Texas: you made yourselves look dumb as hell on national television - but then again your native President does that all the time! Sorry if I pissed any Texans off, but too bad.'

well there you have it. another high note from the man at the epitaph. i dont really know if anyone actually enjoys reading these things, but they kinda make laugh and sometimes he comes out with some things that just need to be said, but no one ever has the gall to say it. anywho. lighten up, laugh a little, and enjoy. im getting back to work now and i must work on my illofriday tonite or i will be a failure this week for sure.


Blogger jmg said...

i love readin 'em... keep em comin!... =)

12:45 PM

Blogger steve said...

Texas keeps shooting itself in the foot. How they continue to function is based only on oil. Hmmmm......

10:31 PM


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