here is the long awaited post by many, it is the post after the LTJ show. i know its been a couple days but here it is. sooo the show was awesome. ya know aside from the few crazy moments but thats what made it quite the experience. so me evan and phil all enter jannus landing just as the last opening band is finishing up their last couple songs. we find a good spot and chill before they come out. just as soon as they come out on stage and strum their first chord, phil is gone and headed up towards the front while me and evan start to yell and jump around. just then we notice there is an older couple infront of us with their son, i believe, and he looked about 12 or 13 maybe. so all of a sudden we notice that a huge mosh pit has broke out infront of them. i thought i was crazy but i heard both the husband and the wife yelling and getting in peoples faces for pushing and shoving them. so me being me, yelled 'hey, its a LTJ show what did you expect' the husband, beer in hand, turns around and tells me to mind my own business. well fine, let the games begin. so second song starts and were screaming and yelling and jumping and pushing and shoving and they are still looking ticked off and hating life. out of nowhere someone runs from the back and pushes through them to get to the mosh pit, but before he could reach it the wife pulled the guy back and got all up in his face. his friend had to do everything he could to hold him back from hitting her and all i heard from the whole arguement was from the guy and he said 'damn lady i said excuse me what more do you want'. are you serious?!? this woman is up in a grown mans face yelling at him, at a punk show mind you, because he didnt say excuse me. they needed a huge reality check. right after that, this other kid was getting ready to push through them but i grabbed him first and said 'whoa dont push through them unless you say excuse me', so with a puzzled look on his face he went around them. of course the husband heard me tell that kid what was up so finally by the end of the second song they left. the show from then on was kickin!!! good setlist, even a couple new ones. good times were had by all. at the end of the nite we finally found phil, who surprisingly hadnt lost anything this time in the crazy circle pits. let me tell you what though, i think this is the record breaking show for the amount of lost shoes at the end of the nite. i saw maybe 3 or 4 guys walking around with shoes in the air hoping that a one sock one shoe guy or gal would find them and be reunited with their footwear. all in all, it was a good time with some buddies i hadnt hung out with in a while. we took a whole roll worth of pictures, but i gotta wait until evan gets them developed. when i have them in hand, i will definately put 1 or 2 of em up here. man i cant wait until i take chana to her first show on April 22nd. American Hi-Fi, Bowling for Soup, Riddlin' Kids, and McLars are coming to port charlotte, yes thats right the port charlotte stadium where the charlotte county rangers use to play some ball. for those of you who arent from around here or havent even heard of port charlotte, the closest shows are usually an hour and a half drive away so this show being maybe 20 mins from our neighborhood is a big deal, not to mention they arent just some hole in the wall bands. should be a good time, hopefully without some annoying parents that dont belong there. keep the tunes cranked.